Reduce Screen Time Battles! Create More Time for Family Fun!
Learn the 5 Steps to Create & Use a Screen Time Plan!Screens are everywhere! Huge amounts of time can be lost in mindless electronics.
- Stress builds
- Relationships suffer
- Your daily lives can grind to a halt
Sound familiar? Poor screen habits begun at a young age can cause much stress and struggles now and in later years.
Join Madeleine Davis and Family Coach Janet Bonnin for an easy 5 Step plan that
- Moves from "Mindless" to "Mindful" Electronics!
- Stops the arguing over screen time!
- Empowers and affirms - instead of shaming and blaming.
- Frees up more precious time to enjoy as a family!
Sign up NOW as
Janet shares 5 Steps to
reduce screen time battles and create more time for family fun!
Is your family's
Screen Time
turning you into
"Screen Zombies"?
Stop fighting!
Get your kids
OFF the electronics &
ON with their lives!
Don't Be A Screen Zombie!
Get the 5 Steps Plan Today!
Be Brave and Unplug!
Look at what others are saying:
Testimonials from satisfied clients
A mother of 5 and career woman shares:
"...I now take thought in what I am exchanging my life energy for and attempt to focus on my priorities. I am much less pressured to do things because that’s the way we’ve always done it (or our parents did it) or because society dictates it."
Nurse, Wife, Mother of 5
A single mom and business owner shares:
“In just two DASH Coaching sessions with Janet as my guide, her skills have turned my life around 180 degrees. I now have an organized plan and goals for my personal life and business. I am already reaping the rewards of these changes. I would highly recommend Janet to people who need perspective and a fresh vision for their lives.”
Single Mother and Business Owner
Zen Skin Spa of San Antonio, Texas
A teacher and mother of 3 shares:
“Janet has the skills, patience and knowledge to address any parent’s situation. She will help you achieve your goals if you are willing to take part in the process.”
Teacher, Wife, Mother of 3
Get the 5 Steps Plan Today!
STOP Watching! START Living!
* Facilitators of the Becoming a Love and Logic Parent® Curriculum are independent and are not employees of the Love and Logic Institute.
© 2024 Janet Bonnin, Fine-Tuned Families. (210) 570-8428